.. title: Slider for nbconvert... .. slug: slider-for-nbconvert .. date: 2012/12/02 21:40:56 .. tags: python, IPython, nbconvert, reveal .. link: .. description: I have implemented reveal.js slides for vIPer (I will publish a post about that the next days...). **Note** from the future: example no longer available Then, I showed the resulting slides http://www.slideviper.oquanta.info/reveal/Example_new_slides.html to some IPython team members and one of them, Brian, says: "it would be great if nbcovert could output reveal.js slides." and then, Fernando (if you know what is IPython, you know these guys) replies: "we can certainly add that kind of functionality as output options..." So, keeping in mind the implementation in vIPer, I provided a dirty and basic new implementation to get reveal-based slides from nbconvert. .. TEASER_END To test it just go to: https://github.com/damianavila/nbconvert.git switch to branch slider_converter, and type: python nbconvert.py -f slider example_slide.ipynb You can see a video showing the basic functionality here (big sorry for the quality, I will post a better one soon): .. raw:: html There is a lot of stuff to do with that... I will do it when I get some free time. Just my two cents! Enjoy! Damián.