Nikola's Zen theme finally released

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Just a quick update... Some weeks ago I blogged about my new Nikola's theme family called Zen. In fact, you are seeing the zen-ipython theme powering my blog right now.

I have used them for several days without any remarkable issue, so I decided to release them at the Nikola's theme repository.

There, you will see three Zen themes:

  • zen, based in mako templates
  • zen-jinja, the same zen theme but based (obviously) in jinja templates
  • zen-ipython, a jinja-based zen theme suited to be used with the IPython notebooks.

As you know, you can easily install them using the following command inside your Nikola site folder:

nikola install_theme zen

(or zen-jinja... or zen-ipython, or whatever theme available at

I have developed the Zen theme family with a high customization concept in my mind... but this approach has a cost because you need to use a proper file to run them ok (the default one will not work, but you can find a working example looking at my blog file.

OK, it's all for this post.

Enjoy the Zen themes and, as usually, report me any problem...


Btw, don't forget this blog post is an ipynb file itself! So, you can download it from the "Source" link at the top of the post if you want to play with it ;-)

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