Slider for nbconvert...
I have implemented reveal.js slides for vIPer (I will publish a post about that the next days...).
Note from the future: example no longer available
Then, I showed the resulting slides to some IPython team members and one of them, Brian, says:
"it would be great if nbcovert could output reveal.js slides."
and then, Fernando (if you know what is IPython, you know these guys) replies:
"we can certainly add that kind of functionality as output options..."
So, keeping in mind the implementation in vIPer, I provided a dirty and basic new implementation to get reveal-based slides from nbconvert.
Facu llegó... y ¡antes de lo esperado!
Nació ayer, 7 de noviembre, a las 8:00 am en ciudad de La Plata. 36 semanas de gestación (un mes antes de lo previsto), 2400 gr. y la altura, para la próxima...
Toda la aventura fue muy rápida. Alrededor de las 4:30 am, Lore logró despertarme (me había dormido sólo un par de horas antes). Se sentía dolorida. Pero en ese momento, nada nos hacía pensar que estuviese comenzando con el trabajo de parto. Era un dolor leve, pero molesto. Pasaron los minutos. Los dolores aumentaron en intensidad y se hicieron regulares: contracciones. Empezamos a sospechar. Llamamos a la partera, quien nos recomendó esperar al menos dos horas más, cuantificando las contracciones en intensidad (fácilmente... a través de las caras que ponía Lore) y, sobre todo, la frecuencia. Hicimos caso. En parte...
Improving vIPer slideshows styling
The last weekend, I had some time to improve the styling of the slideshow view (of the IPython notebook) rendered by vIPer.
Note from the future: example no longer available.
You can see one example here:
Nikola + nbconvert
Importing a static view (rendered by nbconvert) of one IPython example notebook into a nikola blog post:
.. raw:: html :file: /Users/damian/Documents/devel/blog/files/Test.html
vIPer is an application specifically designed to work with IPython notebooks.
It is a Python project I have been developing for the last weeks...
Here, you can see a video of one of my beloved features, a direct slide-show mode for working notebooks:
Only in Spanish.
Lo que esta viviendo hoy el Paraguay me causa mucha tristeza...
¡¿Cómo puede ser que a comienzos del siglo XXI, la retrógrada derecha latinoamericana no se haya superado y alcanzado el nivel democrático necesario para, al menos, respetar que otros han ganado las elecciones y, por tanto, éstos deben detentar el poder hasta que finalice el mandato impuesto por la Constitución Nacional?!
Les linkeo una nota de Mempo Giardinelli que explicita, de una forma más efectiva y elegante, muchas ideas que comparto fervientemente:
Hasta la próxima...
Powered by Nikola...
Nikola is a static site generator created by a member of the PyAr community (Roberto Alsina). It is a great project and the pythonic-way I choose to blog again...
I hope to contribute to the project in the near future (I promise to Roberto to send some improvements but I have not pull-requested to github yet... I will do it soon).
The web-page of the project is , powered by itself, of course!
Enjoy it!
PS: The theme you are seeing right now it is not included in the Nikola themes folder, I will post it soon...
For almost five years, I have been traveling from La Plata to C.A.B.A. (and vice-versa) by car, by bus, by subway, by train... almost every day. A lot of hours of public transportation have run "under the bridge". As you can imagine, I have read a lot of papers, books and newspapers. I have listened hundreds of songs. I have talked with several friends. Also, I have slept a lot... But, I did not write... (OK, I wrote some things but in lower levels than the other activities). So, from now, until I finish my work in C.A.B.A., I will invest my everyday journeys to write "something" and paste it in this blog.
See you soon!
Hello World! Again...
You know that I have attempted to run a blog before. This is a new attempt... OK, I do not promise to post everyday... but if you have patience, you will read a lot of interesting things (at least interesting for me).
See you soon!