SciPyCon Argentina 2013
This is the first SciPy Conference in Argentina (as far as I know, it is also the first one in Latin American).
It will be held from 16 to 18th of May in Puerto Madryn, at the Patagonia Argentina (more details at SciPyCon homepage).
I am very proud to have this kind of conference in my country, and I would like to thanks to the organizers (and the sponsors) for all their hard work to make it happens.
The conference will have exciting talks, tutorials and poster presentations. You can check the schedule here
I will be presenting a tutorial called, Python Científico: Episodio I (Scientific Python: Episode I). You can check the details here.
And I will be also presenting a talk called, IPython notebook: el "paper ejecutable" (IPython notebook: the "executable paper").
This conference will be a boost for our growing Scientific Pythonic Community and an exciting beginning!
Why I am writing in English about a Spanish Conference? Because I want to spread the word about this conference as much as I can and because there are international speakers scheduled (and I would love to see more in the next conference!)
I hope to see you there!
Btw, don't forget this blog post is an ipynb file itself! So, you can download it from the "Source" link at the top of the post if you want to play with it ;-)
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