Posts about IPython
- Some thoughts about the 2017 ACM Software System Award for Project Jupyter
- Coming back
- Zen themes updated
- 48 themes for your IPython notebook
- Loader and Writer, IPython nbextensions to easily edit your text.
- Slideviewer: a simple way to share your IPython slides
- My IPython-powered semi-automatic git workflow
- Deploy your Nikola-powered blog content from the IPython notebook
- A 'poor man' spell checker for the IPython notebook
- Tweet me... said an IPython notebook cell and I did it
- Don't write scripts, just write ipyscripts!
- PyConAr 2013
- Live trading logbook
- Bidirectional IPython-Nikola workflow to write your blog post
- Hide the input cells from your IPython slides
- A simple minimap for your nbconverted ipynb
- Mimic the IPython notebook cell execution
- Nikola's Zen theme finally released
- vIPer is now using IPython.nbconvert
- Change the IPython slides defaults with an IPython config file
- Using a local Reveal.js library with your IPython slides
- Different ways to lead an open source project
- A new Nikola's theme for my site: Zen
- Customizing your IPython slides
- A little hack to get a pdf from your IPython slides
- Zen mode extension for the IPython notebook
- Make your slides with IPython
- IPython plugin for Nikola updated
- Teasers with the IPython notebook plugin
- SciPyCon Argentina 2013
- Reveal converter mini-tutorial
- Blogging with Nikola and IPython
- Slider for nbconvert...
- Improving vIPer slideshows styling
- Nikola + nbconvert
- A simple overview of vIPer
- vIPer